Congressional Briefing: Psychological Trauma: A Public Health Crisis
Capitol Hill, Washington, DC – September 13, 2006
Thomas J. Berger, Ph.D., Chair, PTSD & Substance Abuse Committee, Vietnam Veterans of America (written remarks)
- Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy (D-RI), Co-chair, Bi-partisan Caucus on Addiction, Treatment and Recovery (written remarks)
- LaVerne D. Miller, Esq., Director, HTH Peer Advocacy Center (written remarks)
- A. Kathryn Power, M.Ed., Director, Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (written remarks)
- Roberta Roper, Founder, Maryland Crime Victims’ Resource Center (f/k/a Stephanie Roper Committee & Foundation), and Chair, Maryland State Board of Victim Services (written remarks)
- David L. Shern, Ph.D., President and CEO, Mental Health America (formerly National Mental Health Association) (written remarks)
- Helga Luest, Former President and CEO, Witness Justice (written remarks)